Let’s talk about menopause and the silent cries of women. You just don’t know what it is until you are in the midst of it. Some women pass it with flying colors and others have the mood swings, sweats, hot flashes, confusing moments and a plethora of other side effects. But all these symptoms are not really ‘side effects’, they are a part of life and the journey of the power and manifestation of the Female.
I think back to the time my mother must have passed this golden age that is tinted or tainted and many times left unspoken, but I felt it from her even in the silence. I felt it so much that I left the house never to return except for my short yearly visits.
Now, as I am in my 50s and somehow mourning this passage of time, I cry for the great Mother Earth that has suffered so much, and I cry for my lost childhood and for our Daughters and Mother’s and Grandmother’s, and all the women that came before us, and all that will come after us. I cry for our unbelievable strength and courage that is undeniably tested daily by God’s surprises and the unexpected tests of time.
This life is a miracle, a gift that many of us will never really wake up from or realize the unlimited potential in our wake. I cry for the darkness and the light and the gaps in between that give the push to carry on even though we know that all is temporary. All is a passing of a speck in the bigger picture that we cannot always see. And don’t get me wrong, these tears are tears of joy as my cries are from the belly, the place of creation and female evolution that shouts for the healing of the past and the peace-fullness of the future. And for the rise of the feminine in its most divine and glorious self.