EMPOWERING BEAUTY INSIDE AND OUT » the royal awakening of corona
Has Corona brought the royal awakening we have been waiting for?
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...And so I question. How am I living my life? What am I doing with the money I make? Where is it going and how is it used? Am I living in alignment with the natural world? How have I strayed and how can I find myself back?
I am asking these questions and many more. They are not new questions to me, but somehow I am hearing them again. At least I think I am, but this could be another illusion of self importance. Because this is a blind spot that feeds our biggest atrocities and allows us to stay in our comfort zone. But you see, a new type of Royalty is visiting our planet right now and she is called Corona, and she has come to move us out of that comfort zone in order to build a new path. She is here to realign and to reconfigure that figure that we have worked so hard to maintain.
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